Indigenous Voice to Parliament 2023 Referendum Anniversary

As the first anniversary of the 2023 Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum approaches, I am compelled not only to reflect, but ask as a non-indigenous woman about what I can DO to participate and be effective in the ongoing quest to bring about some REAL change in the relationship between us post colonials and the First Nations Peoples of this beautiful land we now ‘share’ in an extremely troubled liason.

Understandably, there’s not much, if anything, in the mainstream media about this now – it is subsumed by the behemoth of daily news feeds such as scandal, political watersheds, climactic and war disasters that have occurred since October 14, 2023.

Not to diminish the importance of these in any way, especially climate change issues, but I cannot help but feel that saying YES to an Indigenous Voice to Parliament by Australians in their own land was something that WAS within OUR grasp to achieve, to right some wrong, to open a healing conversation, to move forward together to create an even richer nation in every sense. A country and a community built not on fear and denial, but one based on open dialogue, healing, forgiveness, and united hope for the future.

The powerful First Nations voices that I looked to in the mainstream media have virtually disappeared since post 14 October 2023.  The noble Stan Grants, Marcia Langtons, Noel Pearsons and their ilk have ducked below the skyline, and indeed, why would they not?  How many times do you place your trust in the better nature of human beings before you withdraw and keep the conversation to those who can be trusted?

Not so regrettably the Lidia Thorpes, the Warren Mundines and the Jacinta (I just remembered my indigenous name for promotional purposes) Price have also attracted less mainstream media attention and are doing who knows what having been successful in their sabotage.  But to what end?  And what have they achieved  for First Nations Peoples since October 2023?  Also very difficult to find.

I am still looking for a platform to join to help bring about the change so profoundly needed.






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